1, Pluto 2, Neptune 3, Uranus 4, Saturn 5, Jupiter 6, Milky Way(Planet destroyed)7, Asteroid Belt (Planet destroyed) 8, Mars 9, Earth 10, Venus 11, Mercury
In the region between Mars and Jupiter, two planets did not get spherical shapes. One Asteroid belt other one Milky way, Milky way can be seen south of Australia. This invention is invented by the calculation of the speed variation of the Planets, NASA survey it.
1, Pluto 2, Neptune 3, Uranus 4, Saturn 5, Jupiter 6, Milky Way(Planet destroyed) 7, Asteroid Belt (Planet destroyed) 8, Mars 9, Earth 10, Venus 11, Mercury. 6, Milky Way (Planet destroyed) Now middle of the Milky Way seen some stars Lava position in This planet was Seven times bigger than the Earth Some stone in 30 degree near Jupiter now with North East and South East its Milky Way’s , two Milky Way’s edges seen near Jupiter orbit in 7, Asteroid Belt (Planet destroyed) Red stars Betelgeuse,Orion,Aldebaran are Lava position in the Asteroid Belt This planet was Eight times bigger than the Earth. It revolved around the Sun in circular path without getting the right spherical shape. The planet exploded into smaller parts and completely deformed. Stone burst from this planet are seen as stars in a distance of 25 to 35 crore Km from Earth. The region where these stars are available is called Asteroid belt. In this region, pieces exploded with water are seen as comets.
Planets speed: Pluto 4.72 Km/Sec, Neptune 5.43 Km/Sec, Uranus 6.81 Km/Sec , Saturn 9.69 Km/Sec, Jupiter 13.07 Km/Sec, Mars 24.13 Km/Sec, Earth 29.78 Km/Sec, Venus 35.02 Km/Sec, Mercury 47.89 Km/Sec
Planet speed raising variation: 2, Neptune .71 Km/Sec, Uranus 1.38 Km/Sec , Saturn 2.88 Km/Sec, Jupiter 3.38 Km/Sec, Mars 11.06 Km/Sec, Earth 5.65 Km/Sec, Venus 5.24 Km/Sec, Mercury 12.87 Km/Sec.
Jupiter to Mars, speed of the Mars is equal to third planet. No other planets Between Jupiter and Mars. Milky Way and Asteroid belt are in there. 1st planet vertical clockwise destroyed East side of the Jupiter some stone in 30 degree now with North East and South East, named Milky Way. 2nd Planet Move and destroyed completely near Mars orbit, named Asteroid belt.
The Sun emerged as a result of atomic fission from the central nuclear part of Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical galaxy. Sun crossed completely the Solar System around the Galaxy.
Sun coming from Galaxy and cross the galaxy’s wing gets together water, salt, oil, metal, liquid position rock, and all contain, the layers deposited on the Sun got heated because of the heat from central part of the Sun. Due to this heat, the water became vapour. The vapour looks like clouds in the space. This vapour in the space is called Kuiper belt.
On the way the sun explore all the contains (top layer). the contains are create Globe (planets) because they have rotating power and part of heat get from Sun , Those planets which have many moons have greater number of rings. Rings and moons arise from the part of the planet where the planet gets separated from Sun due to vibration. The moons and rings revolve round the corresponding planets
All planets were formed from layers . All the planets revolve around the Sun depending on the direction in which they were created and the speed at which they were separated. Earth separated from the Sun low Position so the earth got much more water at the time of explosion, ( Example: All planets are moving above earth orbit)the water move and rotating the globe and gone down create ocean . Water with living beings moved to valleys, which consist of molten rocks. This is the reason why we see the bones of sea animals in rocks.
It is true that sea animals and other living species are also in Oort cloud. During this time the hills and valleys and sediment rocks, great rivers were originated. Many rock layers in the hills / in USA Oregon
in Peru
some places rock drops Position
The water in the earth runs towards the valleys and the ocean is originated. At the time ocean water stay in the Land there are Caspian Sea, Aral Sea and Salton Sea. Some place top layers broken and the earth get Globe shape that Colorado River, Rocky Seashore Australia , UK Seven Sisters-East Sussex & France
Chalk Cliffs ,Victoria falls Zambia Africa
, Park Pandora and Zhangjiajie China
Sun is 109 times bigger than Earth. When Sun crossed Galaxy Solar, layers for approach 3000 Km were formed around the Sun. the Sun became bigger. During the journey, the water from the Galaxy Solar System and Oort Cloud got collected on the Earth which was the lower part of the Sun then. So much more water in Earth. In the Mars which was separated from upper part of Sun has traces of rivers. These traces are due to the movement of water from upper part Mars of the Sun to its lower part Earth. When the Sun was having lot of layers, the water in the layers got converted into steam, and the space occupied by water is known by the name Kupier belt. So the rest of the sea water becomes more dense and chemical.
Seen more than 15,000 Km joint in the Earth named Rigid tectonic plate, Continental plate, Oceanic plate, very long joint in the western America-Around the pacific, in this joint opposite of the Globe Middle east and European Russian countries in there, in this countries much more oil and heavy weight Metal in it .So it is the South tip of the land from the Sun before separated from the Sun. Some joint and forms the layers in the Mars .Coal and Oil from the earth might have been formed by the plants and living beings of Galaxy solar system and Oort cloud, which were deposited on the Sun when it crossed the Galaxy Solar System and Oort cloud
When the Earth obtained its spherical shape, the enormous amount of water which were not in the effect of gravitational force were released out of Earth. We can see the expelled out water 250 Km above Arctic and Antarctica as clouds. This is known as Aurora in South Pole and Milky Way different colourbb like a Rainbow
The core of the earth still has the same temperature as it was then with the sun. The core heat of the earth attracts the top layer of the earth towards (pull) it which is already cooled. This is the reason for the pull of the earth .that is the earth’s gravitational pull. (Example: There is no ice deep inside the Sea, reason the heat of the core)At some parts the core comes out through the pores crossing deferent layers causing volcanoes. The asteroids which fell on Earth have minerals which are already available in Earth .Some place in the Earth blue colour soil in Sagada/Bonto Neptune , Uranus and Jupiter’s Moon Europa are blue colour those are North tip layers from the Sun before separated from the Sun. The heat of the Sun affected the top layer so some planets and Moons are like boiled stone . If the centre part of the earth gets cooled the earth will lose its gravitational pull.
When two steel bars are rubbed together, the steel bar produces magnetism. When current is passed through a coil wound on a steel bar, magnetism is produced. Like this Earth also moves with a speed of 1,07,208 Km/h in the space creating friction. It produces magnetic field in metals of Earth. The asteroids which fell on Earth have Magnetic it friction with space. Magnetic field is produced by change in alignment in atoms by friction.
NOTE: All planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits at an elevated level when compared with the Earth’s orbit. It is understood that the Earth was separated from the bottom portion of the Sun. Before the separation of the Sun All planets got separated at elevated angles ranging from 1.3 to 17.2 degree in com prison with the Earth. As no two planets have the same degree, it is evident that all planets were ejected out from the different region of the SunWhen the Sun along with the layers crosses the galaxy, the water on the surface, when it crosses Oort, the water on the upper surface, salt at its sides and acidity have accumulated in the Earth which results in the see water filled with lot of salinity and acidity. The Aral sea, Caspian sea and Salton sea which are not connected to other seas also have the same salinity and acidity as those of the other seas. The image taken from Mars by ISRO shows desert like region in the Mars. The colour of the desert is same as that of sand in the desert of Earth. Mars has attained it spherical shape by its rotational speed when it was separated from Sun in molten state. The raised circular shaped region on the top of the Mars is like the raised place in Antarctica of Earth. Seen at about 1000 Km from poles. Presence of Aurora is ensured by the news from world space station. Aurora is not available in any other planet. When the Sun crossed the Galaxy, the oil contains were formed as layers. Therefore, the inner surface of Earth contains layers of oil. When the lava present at the centre of Earth come close to oil layers, explosion happens and pushes the layers of Earth and caused Earthquake in the surface of the Earth. When it happens in the sea, tsunami occurs. The depth where earthquake occurs and oil available are at the same depth of 40 Km
Now, we use rockets that used thrust power. The speed of rocket is from 30,000 Km to 40,000 Km. In the future, photon link space craft will be invented, it will have contact with space station for few seconds, after travelling to a distance it will not make contact with space station but it can travel with high speed in the space to make the space the picnic spot for humans. Modern Space Craft were made of electronics and therefore fire, smoke was not exhausted. Thus ozone layer is protected. Fuels used in rocket are costlier than that of the modern space craft. The modern space craft uses photon with electromagnetic technology and thus its velocity is 1,00,000km/hr more.
Thank you NASA,ESA and ISRO